the v/c moon or when The Moon is Void of Course
Do you know what phase the moon is in? With the busy lifestyles most people lead it is easy to lose track. But keeping an eye on the moon is a great way to stay connected with the natural world, and when you align with the energies of the Universe, something magical happens. When you work with the natural tides you will find that instead of marching against the wind, your actions become more efficient for when you step into the flow it is as if you are being aided by unseen forces and your tasks come together with ease. Becoming aware of the moon and its monthly rhythms is even more important for the magical practitioner as appropriate timing is key for any magical working. Understanding the ebb and flow of the energy of the cosmos and learning to apply it to intent is the very heart of the magick ritual. For when you understand the energy present at a certain hour and you apply it to your intention, the outcome becomes predictable!
Each year the Moon has thirteen lunar cycles per year, each with four phases. New moon, first quarter (also known as half-moon), full moon, and third quarter.
The New Moon grants energy to draw things to us. When the moon is new, cast spells for beginnings and new projects. Use its influence to boost ambitions and careers. Plant seeds for things you want to manifest at full moon. At this time you can work longer spells relighting candles each night for seven days or until full moon. This works especially well when you are working to manifest something big.
Any month that has a second new moon (called the black moon) is more powerful than the first in the cycle. The seeds for things planted at this time will manifest more quickly.
As the moon gets larger, we say it is waxing. The Waxing Moon has energy for bringing things to us and for buildingup. We use it to gain strength, manifest our desires, and for any spell with goals for expansion and growth. Spells begun at new moon often manifest with the energy of the Full moon. The moon is full for three days and providing the moon is not void of course, or between astrological signs, all three days are loaded with energy for expansion and growth. This energy will also boost all workings for personal growth and spiritual development.
A Blue Moon is the name for the second full moon in a month. It is a powerful time to manifest spells begun at new moon. As the name implies, blue moons are few and far between so plan ahead. The Waning Moon is the time for decrease. This is the most powerful time to cast spells to remove problems, to protect, and to neutralize adversaries. It's also a good time for reflection, meditation and study. Use this moon's energy to banish negative habits and harmful energies.
Harmonizing With the Moon's Course
As the Moon circles the Earth, it moves through each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The sign the moon is transiting through is referred to as the moon's aspect and can be used to good advantage to predict spellwork. The ancients observed the sky and set their calendars by the movement of the stars and the cycles of the moon. They observed and recorded the lunar influences naming the phenomenon the law of “As Above So Below”. The Void-of-Course Moon, or V/C Moon, is the time the Moon is between signs or when it is moving from one sign into another but hasn't entered it yet. This Void-of-Course transition can last for a few minutes or for several days. Spellcraft should be avoided when the moon is void of course as the energy is unpredictable. Magick is about aligning like energies to achieve a predictable outcome. During the void course of the moon the Lunar energy is unknown making the void or V/C a time of disruption when nothing works as expected. Spells cast during the V/C often misfire or fizzle. Knowing when the moon is void of course and avoiding spellwork during these periods will eliminate a lot of frustration and wasted effort.