The Positive Energy of Threshold Days

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?"

New Year's Day holds the energy of the threshold making it a power time to renew and remake your life into the life you desire. It is on this eve that we toast as the clock strikes midnight, each pledging to be better. We pledge to exercise, to eat right, to spend more quality time with those we love. The clock strikes twelve and we cheer. We turn from the old, each of us desiring to shrug off our bad habits and transform ourselves as we look ahead with hope.

Embrace the Present Moment

There is no moment in your life more important than the moment you are experiencing. If you allow yourself to be distracted, or let your life become too busy, you will miss it all together. There will always be a million different things going on, the trick is to focus on where you are in the moment, rather than worrying about what will be happening later or what was done earlier. When you focus on what’s happening around are you, giving your attention to the people you are with and the things you are doing, you will find a satisfaction.

Don't let the hurry and worry of life take the magic out of your existence. We as a nation have forgotten the art of conscious living. Unplug and take a conscious breath. This is your life you are missing. Put down that cell phone when you are out on your walk. Be present in the here and now, and stop multitasking! If you are eating, then push away that paper, book, phone and take a conscious bite. Be present and enjoy the flavor and texture of your food. Allow yourself to revel in the rich taste, to savor the decadent scent. Give your spouse your full attention during your conversations and be there in that moment when you send your child off for school or play.

When we shift our awareness back to the things that matter, it honors and allows them to regain their importance in our lives and makes a way for the magical moments to exist, the moments that make life worth living. You can have the life you want. You can be the person you aspire to be. Use the auspicious energy today to make a pledge and then take action to make it happen. Let the energy of the New Year bolster your spirit and aid your journey.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

When was the last time you immersed yourself in nature and forged a connection with the natural world? When was the last morning you greeted the day? When we align with the cosmic tides we become grounded in the turning of the seasons and are able to recognize and understand our role in the workings of the Universe. Energy abounds in nature. Stepping outside acts as a catalyst to open ones senses allowing the spirit to experience joy and gratitude as it opens a portal and allows contact with the something so much bigger. There is a reason the pagan, the druid, the witch venerates nature. There is also a reason why these ancient nature-based systems of worship still persist. One merely has to step outdoors to make a connection. Don't believe me? Step outside. Let your spirit quiet. Hug a tree. Open to its gentle grounding energy. Sit with your back to its trunk and meditate. Try it. Just unplug and go outside. Find a comfortable place and sit. Quiet your mind and allow yourself to come awake to the moment. Move your thoughts to what you can see, to what you can smell, and to what you hear. Notice the creatures sharing the space. Marvel at the beauty all around you. Let your well of inner peace fill.

Nature holds a sacred restorative power. All we have to do to access it is to go outdoor, tune in and acknowledge the connection. Start by going outside on a daily basis. By taking time out to tune in to nature, you will begin to notice and attune to natural patterns, cycles, and changes. As you begin to spend time in nature you will gain insight and feel a connectedness. This year make it a priority to forge a connection with the natural world. When we align with the cosmic tides we become grounded in the turning of the seasons and are able to recognize and understand our role in the workings of the Universe. When was the last time you walked your block? Unplug and go outside. Come awake to the present moment. Move your thoughts to what you can see, to what you can smell, and to what you hear. Notice the creatures sharing the space. Marvel at the beauty all around you.

Embrace a New You

New Year's day holds the energy of the threshold making it an auspicious time to renew and remake your life into the life you desire. What is it you secretly call yourself? Are you a dancer, painter, writer, actress, cook? Make today a Me day and invest in your passion. It is time to become the person you truly are. Today's energy is favorable for positive life change. Next time you have a free hour, instead blinking at a glowing screen, do what you love! Aspire to be whatever it is you call yourself. Are you a writer, a gardener, a quilter or a cook? Then get creative! Embrace your passion as you do whatever it is that you love to do. Allow the act of creation to transform your life from dull to inspired. Don't get mired in the concept, just begin where you are. If you have a garden, go dig in the dirt, weed, and deadhead and be mindful as the experience washes through you, reconnecting you to nature and a way of life that is ancient and rich. If you are a painter, spend some time in study as you plot out a new project. Allow yourself to hear the whispered inspirations of Divinity as your muse comes to life. The art of creation, of delving into an artistic endeavor connects us to our Divine spark, the god within us, the inner voice that is our direct link to the vast well that is: knowledge, wisdom, love and inner peace. By engaging in the creation process, we not only connect with all that is, but we shift from a passive existence to an active one providing a true experience that allows satisfaction at the completion of something created, something formed, a goal attained. It is in this completion we find fulfillment and our lives once again gain meaning.

Claim the Day

So it's your day off. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to waste it on errands and TV programming or are you going to do something fun? When was the last time you went to the beach/forest/lake/dessert? What do tourists do when they come to your city? Why not check out a tourist guide and spend the day exploring your community? It is in these moments that new memories are created, that wonder is found and joy is reclaimed: the walk to the park with your child, the family trip to the beach, the mindful hike down the forest path with your dog, an afternoon hunt through the flea market with your best friend. There are new experiences waiting all around you: new places to discover, new events to attend, dishes to taste, new people to meet. Make the most of it by being open, being present, being mindful as you savor the experience. There is a multitude of new experiences waiting to be discovered. It's up to you to slip the routine and savor your life.