The Art of Manifesting

“In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents.
Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen.”
~William S. Burrough
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Manifesting means to practice the process of conscious creation by applying the universal law of
attraction which states, "what is within, is without." Which means: what is first created inside the mind
will eventually become an ourselves to accept the rewards. To practice manifesting one uses will, focus
and intent to achieve a desired result.

Here are a few tips:
1. Know exactly what it is that you want and write it out in a short phrase.
2. Have a clear, concise image of what you desire.
3. See yourself getting what you want.
4. Believe that it can be yours.
5. Do not let doubt or fear to sabotage your work. But instead hold tight to your dream keeping your
insights positive and your heart filled with gratitude.
6. Do the necessary work on the physical plane to make your dream a reality.

The Universe is very literal. It will give you what you ask for. "I"  is very powerful message to the
Universe and any verb that follows will be dealt with, so be careful when wording the desires you want
to manifest. For example, if you need rent money and you say, "I want more money." This is
interpreted by the Universe as you "wanting" so you will keep 'wanting' more money. To form an
effective intention use the formula: Your desire + a time frame. "I have money to pay my rent and bills
before they are due," is a much more effective way to state an intention.

Avoid phrases such as: "I need", "I wish",  and "I hope". With these phrases all you will manifest is
needing, wishing and hoping in ample abundance. Instead tell the Universe, "I have a life filled with
abundance." "I am in perfect health." "I am spiritually enlightened." "I have a wonderful and joyous
life." The Universe responds by making it so. These statements set the Universe in motion and it
ensures that what you have in your mind is brought into physical reality. Knowing is receiving.

Always state your intention as though it has already been granted. This places it in the present time
frame instead of make a place for it in the future.

Here is an example: You want to be a painter because you love the creation process and would love to
have your work validated. You have a natural talent so you spend hours of your day pouring your heart
into your art until you have a notable body of work. You begin calling yourself a painter and you expose
those you encounter to your work. You communicate with other artists and collectives and you show
your art in several different venues...Guess what? You are now a painter! You only had to convince
yourself, allow it to happen and do the work to become what you wanted to be!

Incorporating the witchy side: Wish Manifestation
It's Thursday and the waxing moon is in Sagittarius. You are not happy with your present job and you
have decided to work a spell to manifest a new opportunity. So you choose your herbs, oil, and candles
and take a cleansing bath. You know precisely what you want and you write it out in as much detail as
you are able to help bring your visualization into a sharper focus. Then you begin your spell and when
you are at the place where you state your desire, you enlist your conscious mind to work on your
subconscious by visualizing your life as you want it to be, as you visualize yourself in a life where you
have achieved your dream. In this visualization,you 'see'  incorporating all of  your senses. You hold on
to the visualization applying the way it feels, what you are doing, who you are with, what you are
wearing....And when the spell is complete, you hold tight to the visualization with a smile on your lips
knowing and believing it will manifest as you do the work on the physical plane by updating your
resume, cleaning your interview suit, and applying for each new opportunity that you come across.

Here are a few tips from Ariana in House Magic
Say your affirmation while looking at yourself in the mirror. This is good for invoking self confidence,    
courage, and self-love.
Say your affirmation while holding a stone that is related to the energy you want to invoke.
Say your affirmation while charging your candle or carving words into you candle.
Say your affirmation while crating a pillow or pouch.
Say your affirmation while you're going to sleep.
Say your affirmation whenever you think about it.